I got caught up in a chat with some lefty conspiracy fanatics on Facebook...always a mistake. Anyway it was the usual. I really have to be more careful. It's just when I trip over a bunch of self righteous morons I can't help myself. I fight in the mud with them,...actually it was fun in a way.
Like being in a spelling bee with semi-literates.
So here's my last post to them swell folks:
"Yeah we're really evil."
Wow yeah!
America is the worst nation in 'all' all history. We out do the Hordes of the Khans the Stalinists Nazis the Inquisition the Conquistadors the murderous Incan Empire,...we're the 'worst'. The thing about being in an insulated mindset or cult is that you don't know it. I was Roman Catholic, and a UFO nut. A two-fer. A rather inflexible lot those.
I got out by accident,...long story.
I guess everybody has a comfort zone. An echo chamber. I sure do,..."Dr. Who". We all have something to hide in. Which is why we're all the way we are. I mean I just saw a post from a lady here on "FB" that unfriended near all her friends,...so she said. This because they're not still serious Bernista's, and Hillary haters like her,...yeah they're still around. Even Bernie has disowned his extreme followers at this point. Reminds me of my Maoist friends. I was a serious radical in my youth. Anyway I tell them that now not even the 'Chinese' are Maoists anymore, but on they go.
Aw well.
Btw so you don't have to post raging replies. Yeah I'm a "Sheeple". I'm totally without any authentic progressive understanding of real politics,...guilty. I'm also 67, and have seen a ton of shit, and so have drawn a few conclusions.
Slavery is not Freedom War is not Peace, and Ignorance is not Strength.
See below Che' my hero. Heck in the 60's I had this very picture taped to my Algebra text. Imagine My surprise when I found out he was a bleeping mass murderer. Signing death warrants by the truck load. Swell."
Revolutions never turn out the way you think they will. Listen here to an elder kid. I've lived long enough to experience this first hand. Heck I was a Queer revolutionary as a youth. Look at the mess we made. The whole thing is now a right of center reformist movement. Now we're just another bunch of boring tax paying marrying divorcing republican voting stroller pushing 'Mericans. Not exactly the scary culture changers we had in mind.
I have very mixed feelings about all this. I think that yes, the USA is a bad actor in the world. We keep waging wars and killing people, because what we've got is an empire, and empires are all about extracting resources from other people and their countries, which inevitably involves violence. Now that our empire is going down, it's thrashing around in a destructive frenzy.
But worse than Stalin and Mao? I doubt it. And definitely not worse than Hitler.
As for Che and Fidel - I'm no fan of theirs. Allen Ginsberg's take on Fidel's Cuba was that it was an uptight homophobic basically Catholic scene, only without the crèches crucifixes.
I'd hate it. Yet I do have some respect for the Cuban Revolution. Their medical system is reputedly better than ours. They survived our attempts to starve them into submission by growing rooftop gardens. It's a society that appears to live by its declared values. I'd hate to see it become Miami South, full of Mallwarts and McDonalds.
Reality is so fucking complicated. Things so seldom turn out the way we intended & hoped they would.
Our future would be better if we'd never had an empire.
Our problem is our total & intransigent commitment to capitalism. It's a bad system, and is dying. It has the mechanistic intelligence of a termite and is devouring itself, and so therefore is this nation.
What we needed, back in the 70s when Americans were still willing to discuss systemic structural changes, was to establish a nice bourgeois socialist democracy, Scandinavian style only bigger. At the same time we could have scaled back our devotion to consumerism and emphasized conservation. Consuming less, with moderation instead of gluttony, we could have reduced our dependence on empire and become a less malign force in the world, and been less hated than we are now.
But we chose - well, you know what happened. Our worship of wealth now means that there is no wealth any longer with which to make such a transition. Our goose is cooked. Nobody will feel sorry for us, except ourselves.
I can add nothing to what you say other than details of our undoing. We're fucked we fucked ourselves. That solid 30% that gave us Trump because they thought he'd get them back that swell 1958 good job white America by magic.
Some few near a year in are beginning to sense shit might not happen like they thought.
"Hey where's my high paying job making TV knobs, and rotary telephones?! That, and the Colored are still sitting in our lunch counters, and in front of the bus."
You said we'd get 'our' country back.
"What gives?!"
Not only are they Nazis, but their Dumb as a bag of rusty hammers.
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