Sunday, November 26, 2017

"...a lesson"

From time to time one or other of my commie pals posts something on my "FB" page saying that America was the villain of WW2. This because of the nukes, and their ignorance of what happened during the war. The far left is as stupid, and historically illiterate as that other bubble on the right. Anyway I have a stored reply I save for this sort of thing. They read it, and respond with third International Stalinist commie crap, but I post it anyway.

Here goes.

We fire bombed Japanese cities. Ending with two nukes. Japan killed 31+ millions of Asians, and allied troops, and prisoners of war in it's Conquests from it's initial invasion of China in 1931,...the real beginning of WW2. That through 1945 when they were finally destroyed. Japan killed 26 millions in China, and has yet to either apologize or even acknowledge this. Hence the hatred of Japan in China to this day.

If one is looking for the guilty it was everybody. It's just a matter of degree or bias as to who was worse. Progressives make America the most guilty. Historians the better of them have no bias. They just count the dead, and allot them to various combatants. Germany, and Japan come off as the most guilty numbers one, and two by the numbers. Russia is number three since they not only killed German soldiers later their civilians too, but continued killing their own even when they were actually losing the war in the first two years.

The Allies generally are number four by technology.

None of this is any comfort to the dead or their surviving loved ones. Total deaths from WW2 are not exactly known. Best estimates are 60 to 80 millions.

So to the point,...yes the United States committed WW2 "War Crimes". General Lemay who planned the fire-bombing of Japan admitted to this. He actually said that, "...if we had lost the war we'd be all tried as war criminals". They would have too. If this is the point of the article. Yes we did commit war crimes, and so did everybody else.

However theirs were far worse. Further if they had won you would not be here to despise your own country. Your parents, and grand parent would have been either exterminated relocated, and or worked to death as slaves to the Axis. As it is you're just a well fed American pissed off with Trump. A very minor league fascist. If as is implied by the article America is an evil nation. Then Korea in the 1950's Vietnam in the 60's, and much of the Middle-East after 9/11 would all be glowing radio active craters.

They're not.

That sort of thing is bad for business. What could be more American than that.

As I say the response I always get to this is like that from cultists when you show them their guru is just some jerk from New Jersey that's stealing their money, and fucking their daughters. I know. Hardly worth the effort, but it's fun, and passes the time.


Anonymous said...

This is sorta my beef with André Vltchek, the commie journalist I’ve mentioned before. He travels the world witnessing, writing about and inveighing against the US empire, and against the West more generally, which he regards as the greatest force for evil in the world - and I fear that our country is indeed a force for evil at this time in history, though whether the greatest I can’t say; so I do agree with him to some extent, particularly as he slams capitalism.

But he’s too one-sided. In opposing western and capitalist domination of the globe, he’s too willing to give a free pass to bad behavior by its enemies. Fidel and Che are his heroes; he makes no criticism of their many killings, or the fact that Castro oppressed gays for decades. He supports Iran because it is an enemy of the US, but makes no criticism of the fact that they execute gays there. He has similar blind spots with regard to Russia and China.

I think Vltchek’s heart is actually probably in the right place; he seems to really care about the suffering caused by savage capitalism around the world; but he has these blind spots, knowing nothing about how awful it is to be oppressed for one’s sexuality; people who haven’t experienced it usually don’t. So it’s a mixed bag.

As you know I detest neoliberal globalist capitalism. But I’m not a hard-core Marxist. Marxism has been tried, and produced very mixed results, often really awful results. I think I prefer some kind of milquetoast socialism, like they have in Scandinavia. Maybe some other viable options will come up in time; I’d like to see that.


Anonymous said...

We are out of time Z. No viable options will come.

"Mind near exhaustion still makes its final futile movement towards that "way out or round or through the impasse".

That is the utmost now that mind can do. And this, its last expiring thrust, is to demonstrate that the door closes upon us for evermore.

There is no way out, or round or through."

-H. G. Wells, "Mind at the End of Its Tether", 1945

Anando Panda said...

I have absolutely no sympathy for human beings whatsoever. None. And no matter what kind of problem humans are facing, whether it’s natural or man-made, I always hope it gets worse. - George Carlin

Anonymous said...

Sure, as far as the USA is concerned, or for that matter global industrial civilization: we’re done, & our posterity is headed for several truly awful centuries.

But that’s not the whole world. Remote rural villages in Guatemala or Yucatan or outer Mongolia will carry on like they always have. Some nations, notably in Africa, may do better than they have been for a while because we will no longer be able to rape their resources. Some regions may adapt to declining conditions reasonably well and sustain some level of civilization; ours just won’t be one of them.

The worst of it is that the world’s life support systems have been severely ecologically damaged. This, combined with deindustrialization, means that lots of people will die. Life expectancy will shorten, death rates will go up and birth rates will decline, until human population is a small fraction of what it is now.

The road ahead is rough; some societies may survive as something like their current selves; most won’t.


Anonymous said...

It's amazing to find out that you are such an optimist Z. You paint a very rosy picture given our current situation. Huzzah Huzzah !

Anonymous said...

A quick catastrophic ending is popular because it means we don’t have to deal with the awful consequences of our feckless choices, except in one short Apocalyptic burst, which psychologically is much easier to deal with. The idea that the long slow grind of misery could endure and deepen for centuries is far worse, to my mind.

The descendants of those currently producing offspring are going to hate our guts. They will have short, wretched lives for many generations to come and it will be all our fault - we who squandered the greatest wealth and energy abundance that humans will ever know, and simultaneously wrecked the biosphere - and then left them to pay the appalling bill, with their lives. It’s like selling our own descendants into slavery. They’ll consider us far more evil than Nazis.

If I had realized how dreadful and how irreversible would be the *permanent* consequences of the Reagan Rebolution, I’d have fought it tooth and nail. That was when we blew our last chance to save our civilization.


uncle1950uncle said...

Even our owners understand what you're saying. This is why they're setting up remote habitats for themselves, and their slaves. Some of these are well planned, and may exist for several years after the major crashes happen.

However either their slaves will eventually butcher, and eat them. That or the solar panels windmills, and food will give out. A storm takes down the mills no spare parts for the solar, and a drought or hurricane wipes out their crops.

That for the richest of the rich.

The merely wealthy will die almost as fast as the rest as their not so well hidden hide outs are found, and looted. That, and they're butchered for meat.

That's the survivalist rich.

As for Jane, and Joe Blow consumer it's Mad Max meets Soylent Green meets an America Somalia. There would begin the centuries of darkness till some other Civilization eventually rises somewhere. Probably in always.

...if we're lucky.

And another thing.

It comes to mind from science fiction that some pockets of society will have a kind of survival if they're near a Nuke power plant...well stocked with spare parts a century or so of rods...or the knowledge of how to refill spark old ones,...this we now know with much danger can be done.

That or communities with Hydro-electrical plants. You need power to maintain a civilization. Electrical or steam. Some portions here, and there will survive. Especially if they have some National Guard or remnants of the Army on their side. Food/shelter kept Roman Legion remnants protecting towns, and regions in the last great fall.

Throw a local university into the power plant Army remnant mix, and you're in business,...for a few decades to a century anyway. These successor city states if they have wise leadership, and not a fucking warlord may unite w/each other settlements. That, and hold off the Christian barbarian cannibals. Such would be the basis of an eventual new civilization.

Science fiction will one day when civilization rises again will be seen as Divinely given. This since it had so many realistic thought out plans for surviving the Fall.