Thursday, December 12, 2019


As for reading. That particular umbilical to eternity. There may be problems. Comprehension above a certain complexity. It may be just moods, and diet.
'Been rummaging about in the writings of Ursula Le Guin.
Smarty pants stuff that, and kept losing my way. So I got a few children's books from the library. I imagined these roads to be less winding. far so good.
On another matter. 
As you recall I once considered a one person witness for World Sanity. Not Peace I knew better. Anyhow a shower shave a Kevlar vest, and maybe a bow tie. I might make some headway.
Start with a joke.
Something like, "...We cling to memories as if they define us. However what we do is who we really are."
With that plow into Ontological Reductionism in the context of a Rising Ocean.
What could go wrong?

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