Tuesday, January 2, 2018

"...Ice Nine"

It's 9f degrees with the strong wind chill right now.
It's supposed to snow Thursday.
Maybe a foot or so. However maybe nothing.
Them guys just don't know. It could stay out over the ocean.
Anyway if anything comes down I'll be out in it.
Taking pics, and stumbling about.

Above is when I left my window open. This during the "Boxing Day" Blizzard some years back.


Anonymous said...

Well you *did* say you wanted a real winter. I’m glad they turned back on the fricking heat.

Global “warming” is a misnomer. Weird extremes are what we're in for.


uncle1950uncle said...

Better to call it what it is,..."New Climate". That covers everything.

When global warming entered the language no one thought there'd be a whole social movement in denial of it. People are stupid. That of course includes me. I could have brought Apple shares when they were nearly giving them away,...I never got around to it.

Anyway the erratic Climate we now have was bound to give us a real winter again sooner or later. This year it has. like it gave you that deadly fiery drought. It'll also give us 70f, and 80f degree winters over here again too.

That's just how it is now.

Anonymous said...


BTW, are you getting anything to eat today? Been kinda worried about that.


uncle1950uncle said...

Yes went across the Parkway to market. Enough for at least a few weeks.

Thanks you for your kindness of thought.

One bears such with all the dignity one can. The thing is to remember you are the same person you were before unfortunate times over took you.

There's a post card or something in that...something with a sad dog or kittens perhaps.

Anyway my feast or famine economy continuers. Mirroring our national economy almost exactly. As when I was houseless I'm keeping a journal on the effects of social traumas. Being among the hidden hungry my latest adventure after my fall from the boredom of the middle class.

I will come through this as I came through houseless-ness, and return once more to the realms of bored middle class ennui.

Perhaps I'll take up cocaine again as Holmes once did to cure this curious state of civilized life. The sense that there's really nothing worth doing. This is why there's more porn violence, and celeb trivia on the 'net than anything else.

One would have thought that the public having access to the sum of human knowledge. This at their finger tips at any time or any place. That eventually we'd have a vast population of thoughtful academics scholars mystics, and hipster-near-do-wells. Instead a billions strong hoard of superstitious bigots.

We didn't see this coming.

This makes me imagine that if we even did manage to achieve social, and economic justice in this republic the results would be equally unexpected. Baffling mysterious, and downright bitterly disappointing.

But then I could be wrong.

As that also disappointing asshole wrote back when he was worth something.
This from the "Times they are a-changing"

"...and don't speak too soon for the wheel's still in spin..."

I guess we'll just have to stay tuned.

Btw as you always do you comment inspired this rant...which I'm going to use on my "FB" page, and here.
Of course you'll get your usual creative consultants fee of 38% of what I'm making from my projects.
...you're welcome.

Anonymous said...

Bon apétit!


Anonymous said...

Oh, forgot to mention: I’ll take my cut in unmarked bills of small denomination.