Tuesday, January 23, 2018

"...sharp teeth"

In this dread era of mass persecutions of fantasies dreams officially labeled troubled desires. Where millions live in fear of exposure of what they think of as forbidden wants. Yet wants near universal though taking so many different forms.

"If my thought dreams could be seen.
                       They'd put my head in a guillotine."

Some guy wrote this 60 or so years ago. He told a truth truer than I think even he knew. We live in a vast conundrum of free expression, and condemned dreams. No mater what yours is. Could you or anyone stand close dissection of any of your scattered wonderings, and needs.

Witness the unending conga line of far right republican homophobes being caught with their cocks out in men's toilets. They thinking that persecuting their secret desires will protect them.

...well for a time.

Till they get over confident, and started openly fucking teen call-boys in motels. #45 boasting of the adventures of his tiny stub much the same. Most men, well most straight men of any flavor have rather stick figure dreary, and lame fantasies. Usually involving torture, and rape.

Really that's the best you got?

Mostly yeah, and it's these weenies that torment me, and mine. My dreams are mostly of kindly gentle things people situations, and places. Always in technicolor with happy beginnings middles, and no end.

Others are more acceptable
These are my rages. My vengeance dreams that surface sometimes, and which I suppress.

My shrink back when I had one suggested I let one run it's course. I did. Think a Black Queer BL blood in the eye Army of Vengeance without a shred of mercy.

Geneva Convention?

"Never heard of it! ...No prisoners not one!"
"I'll shoot any comrade that shows pity! It is their Red Hour!"
"Burn the whole damned town!"
"Bolt the doors. The flame throwers to the Church!"

"Their screams are todays hymn!!" 

Yeah that lives in kindly old Uncle Syd.

That intertwined with bright wonders of happy endings loving kindness a universal given, and free tuition.
Meanwhile I live in a world run by bullies rapists, and murderers. That warps my dreamscape with blood.

I'm making do.

My desires, and wonderings continue.

...no matter the law or it's sharp teeth.


Anonymous said...

I’m in the same kaboodle.

Humans have their limitations, such as the dominant ape hierarchy, and the fact that groupthink is stronger socially than any individual mind, no matter how wrong the group may be nor how right any given individual. Also, they can be mean, *and* regard their meanness as a virtue.

It’s not just right-wing Republicans. When it comes to sexuality, even people who you’d have imagined would be thoughtful & balanced in their views, people who in other respects exhibit high intelligence across a wide range of subjects, and even wisdom, turn out to be complete shitheads.

For nigh on a decade I’ve been following the blogs & discussions of the “peak oil” crowd, collapsitarians who are well aware what’s going down historically. I’ve also read material by pagans, Hermeticists and ceremonial magicians. There is a noticeable overlap between these crowds. I share quite a lot of their worldview, on both counts.

But in recent weeks a “me too”-inspired sex scandal has caused that crowd to show their true colors. When it comes to a certain type of much maligned sexuality, they show themselves to be unmitigated ethical cretins, to a man and woman. They express complete uniformity of opinion on this topic, and their opinion amounts to an injection of warm baby diarrhea between the ears. Right as they may be on some counts, on this topic they’re just like the vast majority of our countrymen and the rest of the English-speaking world: absolute shitheads.

So I am dumping them and returning to my old heroes. John Henry Mackay, Caravaggio, Leonardo, Walt Whitman, Harry Hay, James Baldwin, Allen Ginsberg, Harold Norse, Camille Paglia, and their like - those are the true stars in my intellectual and artistic firmament. Ecoweenies, plastic pagans and doomer porn enthusiasts are a failure; their heads are full of shit.


Anonymous said...

P.S. - If the eco-weenies ever manage to build the “community” they dream of, a huge proportion of its meagre income will be devoted to creating and maintaining a prison, a torture chamber, and a crematorium. They *think* they are nice.


uncle1950uncle said...

To quote scripture I so often feel "...in the presence of mine enemies." This as my tribe is on the brink of extinction if not already fallen over.

So far as I can tell we are few,...very few now.

There are only distant, and random sparks of sanctuary remaining.

Remember write or draw your work on rag paper. If digital print it on same.

It will w/a bit of luck outlast this current era of darkness.

Anonymous said...

Your words are balm to my spirit. I’ll take your advice to heart.


Anonymous said...

I have watched this world collapse around us for the past several decades. You have presented a good list of heroes Z.

uncle1950uncle said...
