Thursday, January 11, 2018


In other news #45 in response to wanted protections for immigrants said,...

“Why are we having all these people from shithole countries come here?” ...referring to African countries and Haiti. He then suggested that the United States should instead bring "...more people from countries like Norway."


Anonymous said...

People come here from Africa and Haiti because we’ve long since destroyed their countries. As for bringing immigrants from Norway - this would have to be done forcibly, as with the first African immigrants to the United States. They’d be fools to come voluntarily.


uncle1950uncle said...

Sure they'll give up their social safety to live under predatory capital gone mad. Witness the video making the rounds of the woman tossed out of a hospital still in her medical gown into the bleeping snow.

Yeah they leave the full security of Norway to face this for the rest of their lives.

Sure,...any day now.

Anonymous said...

I’ve read that even Scandinavian countries have begun to dismantle their social support network, under our influence no doubt. But they’re still better off than us because they haven’t yet gone as far down the same road. In Paris, homelessness is now a big problem.


uncle1950uncle said...

Contempt for life spreads like a cancer.

Padraig said...

I mentioned Trump's comments about Haiti, and the rest, to a customer. Their response was to say "What's racist about that?"

Interestingly, she neither drools nor breaths through her slack jawed mouth.