Thursday, January 4, 2018

"...oh break wind break!"

NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio dares the Mega Storm to lay waste his Battlements! He has gathered his mighty Social Services his great union manned Tracked Plows his Overtime Cops. That, and the Heroic Common Proles of the Emerald City!

Below a transcript of His Honor's speech to the City Council.

"Blow, winds! Blow until your cheeks crack! Rage on, blow!"

"Let tornadoes spew water until the steeples of our churches and the weathervanes are all drowned."

"Let quick sulfurous lightning, strong enough to split enormous trees, singe the white hair on my head."

"Let thunder flatten the spherical world, crack open all the molds from which nature forms human beings, and spill all the seeds from which ungrateful humans grow!"

He then addressed the pothole problems plaguing Queens, and the racial aspects of the ongoing massive gentrification of Harlem.

The so-called non-consensual "Black Flight" issue.

He was further questioned about the UFO that crashed in the Bronx last August, and when the City will finally remove it.
This as local residents have had enough of the Aliens, and their weird cooking.

More on the Blizzard of the Century as it proceeds.


Anonymous said...

Potholes in Queens - that’s the real story. Neglect of infrastructure is the necrotic decay of a civilization. (It’s happening here too.)

I bet late-phase Romans complained about how expensive it was getting to be to live near the Forum, and that it was a big deal who could or could not afford it. Dollars to donuts they did not talk about what it would be like when public fountains ran dry and the Forum turned to rubble. But that was the real destination, and it will be much the same with us.


uncle1950uncle said...

They had that barbarian problem too.

in our case that would be #45's hooded rubes.