Saturday, September 14, 2019

"The King is Mad"

So far there’s nothing he can be held to. He has committed no legally impeachable acts. The various obstruction, and conspiracy to commit obstruction of justice charges will stay in court for the rest of his term. If he’s re-elected with both Houses in Dem hands perhaps. However for now he’s free, and clear. 
For example the ‘appearance’ of treason with the Russians is not enough. All of his cruelties…caging brown children, are all of them legal, and within his right to do as president. His insane verbal assaults are not against the law. His making laws on whim. Like when his tried to dismiss all trans-folks from the services off the top of this head one night. As Commander in Chief he had the authority to this it. 
So being a demented evil shit is not enough to impeach. Not even deliberately via venal incompetence starting several trade wars in particular the one with China. Which is bringing on a Recession is not enough. He has the legal power to do it, and did. Governing poorly or it seems even insanely is so far not illegal or unconstitutional. 
Though it may be in the future as the country slowly recovers from the Trump era,…be it four or eight years.

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