Saturday, October 12, 2019

"...been here done this"

Ya know like you I'm really tired of all this,...all of it. I think that's what media wonks are saying about these times. More than half of the country has been exhausted by everything.  Most certainly with our mentally disturbed head of state.

He just openly admitted to Impeachable offences on the White House lawn, and dares us to do anything. Swell huh. 
"But wait there's more. 
He invited yet another country to fuck with our election in 2020,...our trade war enemy of choice,...China.

Yeah this is happening.

Just after the 9/11 attacks I helped care for a beloved older relative. Spiraling dementia. Heart breaking. Exhausting. People in that state have the energy of toddlers. They're fast, and cause chaotic mayhem. 20 hours a day,'ll find that they don't need hardly any sleep. We had to take shifts caring for protecting, and watching her till we finally got those two live in nurses. ...yeah 'two'.

Medicare gives that thanks da G-ddess.

One nurse confided while helping during a particularly horrifying night. "I'm sorry it took so long, (...near three years), to get us." She went on "...they're slow because they hope the client...", (...not patient client. That sez much.") "...they hope the client will expire before they have to send us, cuts costs"

Yeah that sums it up.

We're in a madhouse run by a madman, but with no live in nurses.

Be brave be kind be patient.


Anonymous said...

Phikip K Dick, it is said, claimed that the defining characteristic of humanity was kindness.


Anonymous said...

As definitions go it sèems inadequate. However when read as a poem rather than the work of a logician it has its meaning.


uncle1950uncle said...

Thank you.