Tuesday, January 7, 2020


Speaking of the future. Polish towns are declaring themselves "Gay-Free". This inspired by catholic extremists.  Some of these are the same towns that called themselves "Jew-Free" the last time darkness fell across the world.

So far they are not to my knowledge throwing Homosexuals off of roofs. That or putting them in Internment Camps like Chechnya. However that can't be far off. 

As for myself being part of the community which was declared "Not-Gay" decades ago. This during the gay movements assimilation period. 
That from a free accepting community to one that now completely identifies with the people that have traditionally hunted, and murdered us. 

Yeah Strange that. 

Ya never know how a revolution is going to turn out. Anyway back then I said they'd lose their honorary straight badges eventually. That, and we'd all end up in the same cattle cars.

Seems that day is about here.

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