Wednesday, May 10, 2017

"In Other news"

The American Civil War. The world's longest clocking in at 156 years, 1861~2017 so far. Took another turn for the ugly. The Texas,...yeah where else. The Texas legislature over turned their "Sanctuary City" statutes.
Further they made it a crime for local law enforcement to refuse to assist federal agents in the apprehension of immigrants.

This very similar to the pre-Civil War "Fugitive Slave Act" which forced private citizens, and constables to assist in the hunting, and capture of runaway Slave.
Fines, and or imprisonment if refused.

Texas just did the same. ...again.

Law enforce personnel face fine or actual imprisonment if they refuse for any reason to assist federal agents in hunting or apprehending immigrants.

I also just read that Texas...imagine this is 'so bad' that Texas law enforcement representatives have protested this. As it would lead to racial profiling, and overt hostility to all police. This with the White House using 1960's racial Segregation laws to justify excluding immigrants, and just travelers from many Islamic nations add up to a very open continuation of our 156 year old Civil War.

So sadly it seems I was given my uniform just in time.

'Be back Later.

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