Monday, May 15, 2017


So I'm supposed to be sitting in the warm bright Spring sunshine to heal. A nice thought. Except it's been raining here in the Emerald City since late March. So I figure bleep it the worst that could happen is I get sick, and die.

So I went out.

The rain comes down in it's traditional way. A faint drizzle then the wind picks up, and it's coming down in sheets sideways. I figure fuck it I'll change when I gets home.

I walked around getting wet for a while went to the store then yeah finally went home. Yet another day in the life.

Here's some history behind my walk.

Eastern Parkway which I was wandering along very wet began as a deer path which became a native hunting trail which became a colonial road which was worked into a cobbled highway in the late 19th century still later in the early 20th an asphalt auto road with then new subway tunnels dug beneath it.

100 years later it's all still there. Maybe one day it'll be a deer path again.

'Be back later.

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