Sunday, May 7, 2017


"The basis for optimism is sheer terror." — Oscar Wilde

Below most of the trees along Eastern Parkway in Brooklyn are these small copper plaques. Each dedicated to the memory of a soldier killed in WW1. "The Great War" or "World War" as it was once known. We are still in the centennial years of the 1914~1918 conflict. I walked past these everyday on my way to Catholic school as a child. They slowly had their affect.



Anonymous said...

I wonder how many monuments there are to those who made huge fortunes from that war? How many mansions and other items of aggrandizement? I suppose it'd be a major research project to find out.


uncle1950uncle said...

If I were 20 I'd do my dissertation on that.

Then sell it to Netflix as a series.

uncle1950uncle said...

Hey I'd have to pay off that damned loan somehow.