Tuesday, May 30, 2017

"My art crap" Click for view.


Anonymous said...

This faerie is very pretty, but she looks a little sad. I think she needs a good stiff drink accompanied by exposure to some really great porn. Or something like that.


Anonymous said...

BTW, I've been thinking it might be a worthwhile activity to build tiny shelters for the homeless - maybe something like these:


Only I'd prefer to do something more aesthetically pleasing than most of these - something more like the cabin of a small boat that can sleep one person and maybe his dog.

The authorities would be bound to dislike this idea, and would try to suppress it. But I guess that beneath a certain scale it might be able to fly below the radar. What do you think? Awful idea, or worthwhile?


uncle1950uncle said...

Well authorities around the country have both banned, and actually destroyed small habitats for the very poor, and homeless. Like the "Poor laws" of Dickens's Britain to be poor is to be criminal.

Architects, and artists are indeed designing beautiful small homes for those in need of them. However as I say so many locations are profoundly hostile to them. One because they are too attractive for the lowly poor. The other because they point blank hate them. The poor.

I was homeless though with a middle class income. This helped in that I had many options. The truly poor had, and have none. I'm now poor Indeed. I just got a document from Social Security which cuts my monthly sum by over 130 bucks. This because the State will no longer pay for Part-B of my Medicare. So they're gleefully deducting that payment from my tiny payments. So I can still afford my home, but not the utilities.

So I like others I am even deeper in criminality by becoming poorer.

On the up side in the same mail pouch. I got an invite to join the local Senior Center. Seems if you have skills you can teach classes. I'd like to teach old farts to read. Then direct them to assorted perverted, and commie sites online to get an education.

Da Lawd works in seriously fucked up ways.

There's meals every day so I guess I'll be dropping by anyway.

Anonymous said...

I guess that's about the size of it - the idea of solving the problem of homelessness with simple practical remedies that could be implemented in a fortnight is anathema to the nation; it's especially threatening to real estate interests and their unaffordable housing racket.

I suppose the sort of thing I've been contemplating might be feasible for a cery small minority, so long as they keep as low a profile as possible. To go public with it would be fatal.

Comparison with the English Poor Laws is about right. In some jurisdictions of the United States it's a felony offense to feed the homeless.

Capitalism is dog poop on a stick. We need socialism; but we won't get it.