Saturday, July 22, 2017

"6000 Years"

The new White House press secretary believes the earth is 5,500 years old, and that all of America, as he actually said, "...Loves our President."


As for his 5,500 years. Look most holy writ is bullshit. Pretty much all of it really. It was made up by Iron Age cranks living in caves, and added on over the last 5 or 6k years. It would be as if a variety of future religions were founded on the demented mayhem of the last 25 years of internet blogs...not that far off.

Good people have been conned by this shit long enough. If there turns out there's really some sort of Divine it would have better taste than to do the insane shit being ascribed to it. So relax, order a double, and watch Reality shows.

This because actual more or less human beings for better or worse are depicted, and abused in opposed to Moses, and that crowd who were made up. Moses is a compilation of maybe a dozen or more figures. His acts are from generations of made up stories. I mean that whole exodus thing 'never' happened according to Israeli archeologist, and theologians. .


Look instead of calling them by the so-called holy names. Solomon, and such. Call them by fictitious names we're used to. "And Daffy Duck turned his baseball bat turn into a snake". Reading it like that will make things much clearer.

'Course I mean all this in a nice way.

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