My dear "FB" comrade James LaMendola notices how those in authority,..."Bosses" are such dim witted jerks. To this I say with bosses it is nearly 'always' thus. The question is why we so often allow the least qualified to direct or rule. I suggest it's cowardice. Moral, and physical.
It's how whole nations looked the other way during the WW2 holocaust. Later the Balkans Genocides. Then the Rwanda Genocide, and other large, and small mass killings.
Did I mention the Concentration Camp Chechnya has opened for Queers. There are now rumors of mass killings in them. Yet who cares. Did you even know, and do 'you' care? I mean care enough to actually do something.
Clinton is reported to have said the greatest regret he has of his Presidency is that he did nothing about the Rwanda Genocide.
So why didn't he do anything?
As long as the pizza get delivered, and there aren't mass shootings or hangings right in front of's none of our business. Well none of us other that the usual Trouble Makers, and they're always too few. Ignored laughed at. Frankly for most it's,..."Hey at least it ain't me". That is Humanity.
Above a satellite image of the first Queer Concentration Camp in Chechnya. There are now it has been reported two more in other parts of that country. So we know what they are what happens in them, and exactly where they are. Yet nothing will be done.
Oh yes protests from little lefty sites. A few lines in the major non-Trump papers. That's all.
I've read that western intelligence have watched from space over the years various genocides, and did nothing about them. This for geo-political reasons. Much as now with these camps. So business as usual. Oh yes maybe in 50 to 100 years or more there may be monuments, and hand wringing. However that's all.
...if even 'that' happens.
Yep, you predicted right. And I think we have the capacity for such genocide right here in this country. It's not like we've never done it before.
But right now it's happening in that Muslim province of Russia. There's a lot of dishonesty & deceit going on around it. Kadyrov, the gangster in charge of Chechnya, claims it isn't happening, even while he is personally responsible and directly involved. Russian propagandists like the Vineyard Saker (a blogger) claim that he's a reasonable guy interested in maintaining peace under Putin, while he's murdering people, 'cause, ya know, fags just don't count and who cares what happens to a bunch of degenerate perverts anyway?
BTW, besides Islam, the Russian Orthodox Church is an evil fucking organization. I don't believe in The Putin-as-Satan evil-Russkies story our media have been feeding us; but Russia's move in the direction of "social conservatism" is a tragically awful decision.
I've cut a Pink triangle out. I'm going to wear it from now on.
It's no longer a tribute to suffering long ago in long abandoned camps. Rather for the 'New' Camps, and the renewed sufferings of yet another generation of unwanted Queers. 'and yes their deaths as well.
"Never Again" my fucking bleeding Queer ass!
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