I mean so much goes into creating these things, but it never leaves the class cultural confines of the hyper rich. So why cover it at all,...who the fuck cares? Mind you I've no problem at all with hyper fem arts,...swell long may they wave.
Still who on earth would be seen in public wearing this noise above or below. Like that weird $75k jacket the First Lady was dragging around for a while. As has been said, "...The rich are different from you, and I. They have more money." That, and seriously weird taste.
I imagine they would.
Especially if your family is generations away from being concerned about the basics of survival. Eating shelter health, and such. With that not even a distant memory you, and the culture you live in might become seriously distorted. Much the same as the profoundly poor who are also in a distorted unanchored world.
Their only difference from the fraction of the 1% is that they don't have the means to express their strange visions. I wonder what the impoverished would design as their chosen apparel. It would tell us so much about who they are as these interesting things tell us of the hyper rich.
Perhaps these are bought as investments?
If the designer becomes a "Warhol" they'd clean up. That or perhaps these folks have "dress up" parties where they wear this stuff then ritually shred it all to laughter, and drugs. I mean we really don't know what the rich do. Unlike the poor their personal lives aren't shown on "Cops".
The thing about genderfuck is that it's transgressive. That's what gives it its edge. But if it's now fashionable and has become all the rage, where is its power? This looks like cooptation.
And yes, who the hell would wear this stuff around the house, or to a party? Do the uber-rich *really* do this? If so, they're even weirder than I thought.
I had a reply, but blogger ate it.
I'm too tired, and pissed to re-post.
Perhaps in a few days.
Blogger = booger
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