Wednesday, October 11, 2017

"American LIfe"

"This is where we're going to bury all the Jews."

"My these Negro Steaks came out just fine!"

"Shhh! Here he comes. He'll 'never lay a hand on us again!"

"Amerika Jürgen"

"We're sending them to kill everyone in Asia."

"Dammit Martha get on!! Them Coloreds is on the way for Righteous Vengeance on us!"


Anonymous said...

I think the man in the checkered jacket is saying, “Howzabout you an’ me kid, behind the shed after lunch?” Meanwhile the girls on the bleachers are going, “Look at the size of that thing!”


uncle1950uncle said...

I don't doubt your assertions.

Still this is who, and what white America was is, and will be till it's extinction. This is them all the bullshit stripped away. This is the bare soul, and guts of them.

This is why I wrote that story "The Great Departure" some months back. I wrote it, and I think of it again because there is no hope none whatever for the un-white in this republic of blood.

Anonymous said...

I didn’t realize it was quite that bad. Sorta like for BL, only worse.

The antiseptic Leave-it-to-Beaver Apartheid vibe of these old illos definitely creeps me out. That’s why I enjoy projecting perverse erotic fantasies on them. What’s needed here is a big dose of Wild Boys.


uncle1950uncle said...

Generally speaking we're doomed. However there will as in all Imperial sunsets be love, and giggles in the cracks.

Padraig said...

Sidney I think the word you were looking for was Jugend not Jurgen. Jugend means youth, while Jurgen is a name which means Father, it is said to be a variant of the name George.