Tuesday, October 17, 2017

"There, and Back Again"

I was asked by a Brit "FB" pal about my UFO abduction when I was a little kid. Was I afraid he wondered. Surreal is more like it. I was too young to be afraid. Afterward my Auntie Sybil thought it was a dream. However one we both had. She never spoke about it again.

I just remember bits. One moment I was with Auntie she was hanging wash in the back yard mind you this was in the city in Harlem. Then I was in the air looking down on the city NYC. I saw the tops of our bridges which were all rusty. Remember there had been no maintenance since before WW2. This was 1956.

Then we were in a place.

I was with a presence...they were all out of focus. It was a big place white, and silver. No other colors. I remember being carried, and I said it was too tight so I was put down. Again all white, and silver, and the others out of focus. I don't know where Auntie was taken, but just as fast we were back in the yard. It was as if we were asleep, but didn't realize it, and then woke up. That kept happening. Suddenly realizing I was awake without remembering going to sleep.

It went on into my 40s.

That's all I have or can remember. ...other than the non-sleep awakening.

Hey to me this all happened. It like profound spiritual events can't be subjected to the scientific method. Can't be reproduced, and put into a Federal Court Evidence Bag. So it's dismissed out of hand. Understandably so. Many subjective experiences are total crap, and bullshit explained away rationally.

I get it.

However our 'subjective' experiences are the most important ones in our lives. No matter how they contravene accepted realities. So for me yeah I was abducted by some agency as yet unexplained. 

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