Sunday, October 29, 2017

"Horse Power"

Sometimes I watch myself in the third person. It's like a halfway out of body thing, a way. You know how it is. I'm sure most of you have done it.

Anyway I watch as I revert to a child's simple fascination with bright, and tiny things.

I'm beginning to think that all of our high'n mighty concepts, and postures are really the bullshit we quietly suspected it is. That's what's really important are the smallest, and simplest things in our lives.

Hence my love of the quiet, and tiny.

(The above are some images from a little story I never finished. It concerned my table top horsies buying a used V.W. 'Bit silly, but that's the beauty of it.)


Anonymous said...

I like the horsies. Plus I have a soft spot for old-style Volkswagens. Paisley too.


Anonymous said...

Oh, I agree about the philosophy. Except that I want to make my brightly colored objects big enough so I can live in them as an alternate universe and forget about the fucking 21st century.

As for modern V-dubs and other contemporary cars, I see no design flaws in them that cannot be satisfactorily resolved by a good solid hit with a shoulder-launched grenade.