Tuesday, October 31, 2017

"Stone Gawds"

Okay two  related views. One when I'm pissed off one when I calmed down. These from another chat site where all the noise from that Nazi Confederate statue stuff was being re-fried.

Part one. Pissed off fed up!

"The "War of Northern Aggression" indeed. They caused "Bleeding Kanas". A dress rehearsal for the war like Spain was to WW2. They seceded. They attacked us. They put protections for Slavery 'into' their constitution. The designer of their flag said it was all about the "supremacy" of the "white man". His words bleeping Google your own damned ugly Southern history." 

"In a word,...Fuck'em." 

"Well technically two words, but ya gets the point. Tear the statues down. All of them. That, and shove their hateful ignorant treasonous Nazi Kluxer faces into the rubble to make the point as clear as possible. All this talk of trying to "understand" the Trumpites Klan, and Nazis is suicidal."

Part two. I calmed down.

"Here's the thing. Your heroes are not our heroes. This is what's evolving as the demographics change. As I've said this country 'already' has a non-white majority. The first majority non-white American generation was born in 2010. The first year more technicolor babies were born than pink ones. These kiddies are in second grade now. Soon middle school then high school college the service jobs,...beginning to vote too. It's been geometrically going this way to near a decade. Hence the white rear guard movements. The Trump presidency being the most obvious, and most successful."

"When the Klan, and Nazis marched in Charlottesville what did they chant,..."white power?" No they by torch light chanted, "We will not be replaced".

"So there we are. All of the business of statues, and plaques are the peripherals of a rather massive, but slow transformation of this republic. As I say, "Your heroes are not our heroes". At least not 'all' of them. Some are. Deciding which is which, and how to honor them is where we are now. This will be the slow heated process of the rest of this century. The re-visioning of the republic this time with all of us."

"Will statues of General Lee one day grace our parks along with perhaps Rosa Parks in marble. I hope so since they are profoundly connected in a straight line within our history." 

"The difficult process continues."


Anonymous said...

I’m not sure pulling statues down is the right tactic. It just inflames the zealots. Also, it smacks of cultural vandalism. I suggest what seem to me some better tactics. First, activists might insist on putting up equal and opposite statues in the same public places - say, a big bronze of MLK or Harry Hay facing down Confederate generals. If bronze is too costly, then fiberglass will do - it holds up well if painted. Or if that won’t serve, maybe some creative editing is in order. One day the Nazis wake up to find that General Lee has purple hair, is wearing glitter makeup, and are surprised to learn that the Confederate uniform is actually rainbow colored. Of course they’ll foam at the mouth and fly into a frenzy, but they’re prone to do that anyway. It seems to me it’s important to do things with a certain creativity, wit and humor, and let the other side be the ones to lose their cool.


uncle1950uncle said...

Hummm,...I like the cut of your jib.