The president is very clearly disturbed I expect him to lose it eventually, and just start shooting people. Probably reporters. Surprised he hasn't done it already. That video of him beating up the CNN effigy to the howls of cheers from his rubes is a sign. He'll beat the rap like cops do by saying he was in fear for his life. Ya know like that cop that gunned down a 12 year old black kid, and got clean away with it using that excuse.
If I were younger I might consider just leaving this mad house. However there's really no place to go. So I'll do the best I can, and watch as our republic dies before our eyes.
I say "just watch" because demos, and such even with millions have no effect. He'll just say as before it didn't happen. In his reality they won't have. His rubes despite massive evidence will believe the same. That, and the Democrats like the Wigs before them are finished. By their gross stupidity divisions, and business as usual values they lost to the most 'beatable' demented clown in electoral history.
In 2018 they'll field another gang of morons plus their base as usual won't vote in the mid-terms. Old white angry bigots vote then. Not white liberals. Not folks of color. The white liberals are busy at crafts fairs, and baking gluten free ganja brownies. The colored folks won't even know there's an election. You kidding I've see both happen with my own eyes.
So watch.
This 2018 mid-term election will be historic. A whole political party will be exterminated. You can tell your grand kids or great grand kids you were there that night. The dems will be vaporized from both houses. That, and in 2020 they'll put up another clueless jerk that will lose in a landslide. The nation will be in the hands of our worst elements for the next 40+ years.
I just tells it like I sees it.
You've probably nailed it where our future political prospects are concerned.
The economy's also set to tank in a big way. When the petrodollar goes kerflop, a process which is already well underway, our economy will plunge into the abyss. I suspect our society will not handle this well.
I'll have the ganja brownies, please. They're at least as good as rose-tinted glasses.
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