Btw the numbers are in. 32 millions to lose all health care by 2026. About 10 millions more than originally thought. That, and 17 millions are without any care whatever just next year under Trump repeal of Obamacare plan.
Yet he, and the Republicans are full ahead with it. In a way mostly. They're divided between those republicans who think it's too harsh, and those that think it doesn't kick out enough.
Three years, and five months of this madness to go.
3 years and change to go? No! *Seven* more years!
I'm one of those likely to be cut off; I don't know when.
I'm close enough to the edge that I feel an existential threat. And I've noticed a change in myself. I've begun to feel rage more intense than I've ever experienced. I find myself starting to hate the rich. The self-congratulatory poops of privilege in the photo - I feel a desire to hurl them to a horde of ravening tigers and enjoy the ensuing spectacle: as their ilk are evidently preparing to do to me and mine.
There must be many millions in this country who feel as I do; quite a lot of them are heavily armed (not me). The prospect is not reassuring.
Onward, into the abyss!
Mind near exhaustion still makes its final futile movement towards that "way out or round or through the impasse".
That is the utmost now that mind can do. And this, its last expiring thrust, is to demonstrate that the door closes upon us for evermore.
There is no way out, or round or through.
-H. G. Wells, "Mind at the End of Its Tether", 1945
Actually those as wounded, and angry as we did have a revolution of sorts. It was called "Make America Great Again".
They in their gross ignorance took the country.
Now they will inherit the Whirlwind. This as they, and we are devoured by those they thought were their saviors. Saviors from darkies that already out number them. Saviors who would protect them from the future with all it's mysteries. For which they are not remotely able to contend with.
The American horizon is grim. This as we more suddenly than thought disappear from the world. Fall to 2nd world status for a decade or so. Then free fall into the abyss. The world will progress, and go on. We will exist like a family of paupers surrounded by the decaying monuments of our former glory, and wealth.
I'm actually happy I'll soon be gone. I've no wish to see the money shots of the final reel. Already more than half through.
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