Wednesday, July 26, 2017

"Jugendmarsch durch Feuer!"

                                             "Youth March Through Fire!"

Proud Hitler Youth, Boy Scouts cheered Heer Trump at their Bund Rally.

Trump didn't know there is a tradition...a nearly 80 year old one. Begun by FDR. This for not bringing politics into Boy Scout events. He also didn't know or care that he banned Trans folks from the service on the anniversary...the very day,...July 26th 1948, that Truman integrated the military. He doesn't know a lot of things.

Btw...has anyone told him the services are in fact now integrated?

The man is a dreary combination of gross ignorance, and cold venality. That, and 160 millions of voters elected him, and support every thing he's doing. On the other hand 164 millions saw him as the fiend he is, and didn't. The other 100 millions stayed home, and ate pizza like they always do.

Above FDR gives a Scout a medal for letting 3000 skunks loose at an Illinois Klan Rally. Of course this was not as I say a "political" act. Think of it as a special Boy Scout Nature Badge.


Anonymous said...

Fine lad!

As for the first picture - I think I prefer the Wandervogel movement: especially the Edelweiss Pirates.


Anonymous said...

I could use a good escape from reality about now.


uncle1950uncle said...

Wandervogel,...a dream of kindness. Even in what would later be the epicenter of Evil. That center moves as we know. It defuses. It killed Wanervogel then the Jews then, and then, and then. It's center now in the Middle East where it's rules.

It's old capital Lower Africa has been it's home for centuries. Outliers in Parts of Eurasia. Footholds in the United States. Mercifully it's former outposts Central, and South America are healing.

One is tempted to be religious in face of this.

However this evil is the darkness that lives in us all. It gets out on a personal level a few times in our lives. It rules when it captures the group mind. The German "Bund Rallies" Klan rallies the extremes of left, and right everywhere.

The footholds I mentioned in the U.S. would be right now the resurgent racist groups. Also the ongoing Tea Party which devolved into the Trump movement. These "Bund's" these rallies are festivals of rage resentment, and fear. The far left Black Block though much smaller is the same.

The good usually stand back till it's too late. They just watch wring their hands, and eat pizza.

uncle1950uncle said...

It's never hopeless. Think of these times as did Ben Franklyn when he joined the Boston Anti-Slavery League. This in I think the 1760's. A small fringe group laughed and, and harassed. However in the fullness of time they succeeded in their task.

That's us today.

That is if the species still has the time.

Anonymous said...

There is hope so long as Rockefeller remains dead. Other Malignant Overlords may linger Nosferatu-like in the crepuscular gloom of our imperial twilight, leeching away the lifeblood of the masses, but their fall will be as that of the House of Usher.

In the meantime, I fancy we would do well to gather together in queer pagan lamaseries, there to practice and conserve the arts that mark the high points of our civilization, as in Ancient Greece, the Renaissance and New Orleans.


uncle1950uncle said...

Sounds like a plan.