Sunday, March 3, 2019


Well winter is over,...never happened really as it was in the 40's, and 50's. This for the whole of the season. Maybe two or three dustings of snow that's all. The shit actually evaporated in hours. Mind you the rest of the country was blown to bits with storms, and blizzards,...we weren't touched. ...not once.

The local TV weather wonks besides being all smiles at the global warming nice weather. They said to explain NYC being a winterless oasis. "...sometimes we just get lucky"

Imagine if it was global cooling. 

That, and it got down to 40f in July, and August. This might get peoples attention. However being stupid selfish ignorant and deserving of a Comet striking the earth. People just shrugged when it was 73f on New years Eve here. 

Looking forward to April heatwaves like we had last year.

Watch ya back.

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