Tuesday, July 31, 2018

"...this place"

I had another of those dreams.
It was always noon in this place. 
No morning night nor evening.
I was walking. ...so very far. 
My feet were bleeding. 
I left prints of blood in sand.

I was on a beach. I wandered it's shore. 
This washed the blood away.
There were submarines diving. So many. It seemed as if squadrons of them were slowly going down one after another. There was singing.

The "Sailor's  Hymn"...I could faintly hear it.

"Eternal Father, strong to save,
Whose arm hath bound the restless wave,
Who bid the mighty ocean deep,
It's own appointed limits keep;
Oh hear us when we cry to Thee,
For those in peril on the Sea!"

The dream morphed, and I was sweeping the floor of an abandoned building.  I wore scraps of rags. I heard crying down the hall. I went opened the door, and saw a child's shadow.
The room held a shadow which cried, and cried. ...morph.

A person handed me a shirt jeans, and a silver dollar. She said I could sleep on the roof. That the birds would protect me. 
She said "they protect everybody" here.
And I did sleep. I slept in the eternal noon of that world. I lay there as swarms of birds flew above.

Tuesday, July 24, 2018


Me at 90. Which is just 20 or so years away.
Ain't that some shit.
Well by then I could be a bag of dried pet food. 
That or some holy guy somewhere. I always had the calling. 

If things work out I'd be happy running some sort of mish mash hippie Buddha commie store front in urban hell somewhere.
Yeah I'd have a few cats, but the robot sort.
They don't shed or shit all over the place.

That, and you can put them in a box, and shove them into a closet when you get fed up with them.

This so one can get on with all the holy guy jazz.

It's a plan.

"Chickens Come Home",...extra crispy.

The heat found enough Fentanyl/Opioids to overdose 26 million people. This in Nebraska a few days back. Let's run that back,...
Enough Opioids were intercepted which could have killed 26 MILLION PEOPLE. 

This is the Butcher's Bill for a "limited" tactical Nuclear War. A serious one would kill THREE BILLION+.

That Fentanyl shit is 100%+ more potent that Morphine. Yeah bleep can be +Plus more than 100%. I did Coke that was off the scale for years. That Diplomatic Pouch stuff was the way to go. One of the side up-plays of being in broadcast or show biz generally.

But I digress.

No one cared when the Un-White Inner Cities were dying off in engineered Heroine Epidemics. Sort of like Stalin's engineered famines.
Now poor Whites are enduring a similar obliteration. 

This time there's slightly more sympathetic lip service. 

The poor Whites being at least "white" aren't being condemned for being a lesser species. As was generally said of the un-white, 
"...what do you expect from those people?" 

I remember what the early 1970's Black Panthers said as the Feds State, and local police were exterminating them.

"What they do to us now. In 50 years they will do to you."

They were just about on the money with that.

"Job Opportunity"

The best thing for our country,...not the world, but 'this' country. Would be an invasion from outer space. It would give us something different to do besides tormenting each other.

True there might be some breakage.

On the upside I might get a good human meat inspectors job.
This from our new tentacled Overlords, and Masters. 

"Walking Death"

Speaking of #45, and madness. When I was a child in the 1840's somewhere I had a relative of a relative that wore weird shit like the above. I mean she wore dead animals. Like with the head, and eyes staring you down.

"You evil fucks murdered me, and my cubs so you could wear us to the fucking opera?!!"

As an experiment in cultural shifts. I'd do a video of some gal walking down the street with some of these intact dead folks around their necks. The reactions would be interesting.

"A Real Gas"

In honor of Queer Pride Month the Court sez Christians don't got to bakes no cakes for no Faggots no how not ever. 
Besides being beaten to death on the streets or killed in school by bullies or shot dead by fanatics. All of which happens,...reported in the Queer press. This news never seems to make it out of those platforms.

Besides this shit we can't even have cake now.

We have become a Cake-less People. I'd pray to Jebus, but that's the fucking bastard that took our cream filled delights away! Maybe this will remind the Straight-gay "stroller pushers" that they're an inch from the Ovens. Like the assimilated Jews, and Muslims of Europe before them.

Actually it won't remind them of shit.

After all like they say, "...We're just like you!"


"A Real Life Uncle Story"

Speaking of Jebus baking cakes.

I was out today, and happened on a conversation this lady was having on the phone. It was a third person story about some bastard that was cracking on making fun of a gay guy in line at a shop.  In this town we stand "in" line not on it.

But I digress.

Well the shop's owner laid into the jerk,...the bigot. 
The last sort of person you want pissed at you is a Black woman which as the story went I found she was. 
Jamaican too. Even worse.

The lady I was ease dropping on gave the tale theatrics. This is why I loves the Emerald City. Every street is a show. She said, "...he didn't pick out being gay in a store he was born that way it's how g-d wants him. This, and more. Ya get's the drift.

Stories everywhere.

Also just when I was freaked out by all the fucking evil, and ugly all over this country, and the world. I happen to be next to this lady on that phone telling this story just when I needed to hear it.

This was a coincidence of course. There are no Angels we're not part of some vast dark matter quantum spirit internet connecting everybody, and everything all the place,...naw impossible.

Then it began to rain Chocolate cakes.

"In Society News"

"Democratic Barbie", and "Hold a Treason Trial Bob the Bunny"
attended a festive pre-Impeachment Hearings
gala ball at the Lincoln Memorial.

A reporter for the National Review 
noticed Bob eating Rabbit stew at the buffet table.
When he asked if this was not Cannibalism
"Bob the Bunny" replied:

"Fuck Off"

"The Queer Agenda"

Queer Agenda revised 2018. Chapter 4 section 26
para 8 of subsection 12:

"Stop Killing us you Evil Fucking Nazi Shits."

New para, 13, pending.

Being Queer was Once so Much More Fun.

We Dressed Better Too!