Tuesday, July 24, 2018

"A Real Gas"

In honor of Queer Pride Month the Court sez Christians don't got to bakes no cakes for no Faggots no how not ever. 
Besides being beaten to death on the streets or killed in school by bullies or shot dead by fanatics. All of which happens,...reported in the Queer press. This news never seems to make it out of those platforms.

Besides this shit we can't even have cake now.

We have become a Cake-less People. I'd pray to Jebus, but that's the fucking bastard that took our cream filled delights away! Maybe this will remind the Straight-gay "stroller pushers" that they're an inch from the Ovens. Like the assimilated Jews, and Muslims of Europe before them.

Actually it won't remind them of shit.

After all like they say, "...We're just like you!"


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh, come off it. The ruling was that the bakery was not obligated to bake (or more to the point, decorate) a *wedding* cake for a "gay" (aspiring) stroller-pusher couple. Was a day in which homos who wanted to go the wedding route were creative enough to buy a straight cake (or two), "customize" it for themselves by splitting the straight couple to put the two grooms together (and maybe give the other one to a lesbian couple).
As far as I am concerned, the gay wedding join the military and murder third world people come home and push a stroller crowd can all go to hell anyway.