Tuesday, July 24, 2018

"Chickens Come Home",...extra crispy.

The heat found enough Fentanyl/Opioids to overdose 26 million people. This in Nebraska a few days back. Let's run that back,...
Enough Opioids were intercepted which could have killed 26 MILLION PEOPLE. 

This is the Butcher's Bill for a "limited" tactical Nuclear War. A serious one would kill THREE BILLION+.

That Fentanyl shit is 100%+ more potent that Morphine. Yeah bleep can be +Plus more than 100%. I did Coke that was off the scale for years. That Diplomatic Pouch stuff was the way to go. One of the side up-plays of being in broadcast or show biz generally.

But I digress.

No one cared when the Un-White Inner Cities were dying off in engineered Heroine Epidemics. Sort of like Stalin's engineered famines.
Now poor Whites are enduring a similar obliteration. 

This time there's slightly more sympathetic lip service. 

The poor Whites being at least "white" aren't being condemned for being a lesser species. As was generally said of the un-white, 
"...what do you expect from those people?" 

I remember what the early 1970's Black Panthers said as the Feds State, and local police were exterminating them.

"What they do to us now. In 50 years they will do to you."

They were just about on the money with that.

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