Tuesday, July 17, 2018

"Black to the Future"

What isn't in the Future? 'Black People'. I'm an old S/F fan. Being so I couldn't help, but notice our complete, and total absence from the future. Though I recall a short film from the 1930's about the future dress styles in the 1990's.
There was one light skinned colored maid helping her mistress dress.

Okay I guess that was something. However we went invisible for the next 50 years or so. Around the late 1980's we started to show up again. Usually to be killed in the first five minutes.
The monster films of the 1950's killed Asians or Hispanics in that short time. Remember the Mexican guy that the Martians vaporized in the 1953 version of "War of the Worlds".
Well at least the actor playing a comical stereotype farm hand got paid for a days work.

These daze we're showing up regular as background figures or villains of one sort or other. However as usual "Star Trek" came through for us with "Deep Space 9".
A show with an actual Negro as the star...imagine that.
Well now we're getting butt deep into the 21st century, and there's Colored folks all over the place.
See colored folks are 'now' in the future.

By this reckoning half of the roles in "2001 a Space Odyssey" should have gone to Women, and a reasonable spread of Colored people.
Maybe somebody will shoot a remake of "2001" with that balance or at least a more balanced parody.

Anyway we should get equal credit for destroying the universe with everyone else. Hey we're all into this nightmare together.

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