Monday, May 6, 2019

"Dreams" part I

My Jury Duty adventure took a bit out of me. It's more excitement than I've had in some time,...other than surgery. So I've been resting these few days. Slept all this afternoon.

Sleep, and a dream.

I had my own little shop. It was in the open air, and enclosed at the same time. Walls came, and went as did roof, and sky. It was a Sidney sort of shop. This as I've often thought of. Full of cute, and neat geegaws.

Stuff I'd made over the years. Even things I'd forgotten. Toys figures books I'd printed clothing with images of my art on them. 

A fun Sidney corner. 

That, and all free or for trade. When I made things back in the day I made them to give. I only sold when I needed supplies to make more. In the dream there was a Dino section,...loved them guys. 
It was all mixed with little doll folks cars, and such. Just like the Evangelicals, and the Flintstones said they were.

There was a Cat too.

She took care of the place when I was gone. In the dream it seemed I had been. Passers by all asked where I'd been. 
Good question,...been so long since I had a happy dream. I guess they noticed my absence, and were happy I was back.


Part of this was my tidying up,...dusting arraigning,....I was gone for a while it seemed. My Cat was around my neck as I puttered about. A wind came up blowing the leaves of my books rippling the dresses on the dolls.

It rained.

The shop was in the open air again, but nothing got wet. It just poured, and poured. The Cat, and I sat, and watched. Dry as on a sunny day.

"Dreams" part II

Sometimes my dreams speak back to me. In that space between waking, and sleeping between dreams ending or beginning.
I don't often remember the words.
Just a sense an essence of what was given.
I'm happy with this. As if eternity knows, and cares.

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