Sunday, June 30, 2019

"Life, and Times"

I was asked what's "Bob the Bunny's" take on the former Steve Bannon.
"Bob the Bunny" knew Bannon back in the day. They were both Black Op vets. ...that is before Bannon went rouge. He, and Bob they used to hang out in the back of decommissioned B-52's out at the old bomber "Bone Yard".
Aka Davis-Monthan AFB. ...outside of Tucson. There they'd drink shoot up speed heroin "speed balls". Also cleaning fluid or root beer. Bob did root beer. Bannon the Windex.
Btw that drug road was written all over Brannon's face.

Anyway they had a falling out when Bannon tried to get Bob to join some secret Nazi SS assassin cult. For some weird reason they wanted to terminate all the subway conductors in Chicago. ...??? 
Said Bob da Bunny, "...I only kill for the Constitution."

Bob later passed on a forensic psych profile of that Bannon whack job. This to his connections in the NSA/CIA/ Mossad, Microsoft, and that scary ruthless bunch that runs all the dark self aware A.I. systems. Yeah the real power players now had his number. 
Bob said, " was just a matter of time till they clipped his wings."
Note how quietly, and smoothly they just ordered Trump to remove him from the NSC...National Security Council. A post to which he himself arraigned his own appointment.
On that self-installation Bob said, " to hand it to 'em...Balls."
Trump signed the order having not read it,...had no bleeping idea. He could have been ordering Thai-take out. The dance of the true power cliques is a sight to behold. A grand ballet. That Trump crowd has no idea who, and or what they're fucking with.
It's about to get really entertaining...or so "Bob" tells me.


I don't like robots. In fact I fucking hate them, did Flash Gordon, but for different reasons. Them fuckers are going to evaporate every job in existence. 
The designers engineers, and assorted corporate sociopaths that enabled them will be terminated in due course as well.

There has been no thought as to what happens to whole populations of the jobless once these digital mechanical job killers are inserted into an already collapsing economy. to that.
Our owners don't give a fuck.

To them they no longer have to pay anyone for anything. 
It'll be better than Slavery for them.

For them Tomorrowland at last.


Friday, June 28, 2019

"Zack Pinsent"

Zack Prinsent. Occupation,...Regency era Dandy.

The world would be a kinder sweeter place with more such.

"A Delightful Dandy"


After today's hot ordeal of fire.
A steamy Brooklyn evening.

"Now for something Compeletly Different"

Days of rain now bright heatwaves.
These have brought a bounty of sidewalk wild flowers

Thursday, June 27, 2019


Race attitudes are complex. Difficult irrational contradictory. I have bits of racist resentments with other groups, but know it's nut so deal with it. Some are just not good at the dealing.

Brit rock star "Morrissey" is mixed up in anti-immigrant race hate groups. He was outted when they thanked him for his support. This has some folks stunned. 

It's sad when someone you really dig breaks your heart. 

I came across statements negative about the "Freedmen". That is the post civil war former slaves. This alleged to have been said by Walt Whitman. Yeah 'that' Uncle Walt. ...this in a current New Yorker.

This makes him less saintly, and more like the rest of us. Which of course always he was. Life is complicated, and tough. Being a peacenik I urge compassion, and forgiveness. This as I would also want it for myself.

Wednesday, June 26, 2019


Me lecturing on Hyperwave Dark Matter realities at Brooklyn College.

This in 1959,...I was ahead of things somewhat. 

I think I'd make a neat President,....I mean now that we know 'anyone' can get the job.
Yeah I'd be a totally insane Boss of Bosses down in D.C. Unlike our current patient there I'd have fun with shit. First off I'd have my new "Department of Happy Surprises" Fed-Ex everyone nice stuff. This happy Department will from time to give out goodies to everyone just because it's nice to do.

..hey what's government for?
We'd have the damned Army Navy 'n Marines set up emergency field clinics/hospitals everywhere...I mean 'everywhere' because what is this shit we're in, but not a national Disaster.

...special attention! 
This to the Black Lung victims in mining country. The opioid addiction regions special attention to kids, and the elderly. Make like we was just nuked, and we're putting shit back together 'cause it ain't all that different from that now.

A "Department of Chefs"!
New chefs all over the place cooking up 5 Star meals for everybody that wants or needs 'em.. That, and delivered by our Army...heck if I was a kid I'd join the service to be part of this swell stuff. 
Imagine them new giant ass "King Stallion" choppers landing in the middle of a forsaken 'Murican" town. That and keen to serve G.I.s poring out to feed the hungry comfort the sorrowful, and heal the wounded. "Protect, and Serve" finally come to life!
Also perhaps an "Institute of Safe Desserts.
This would in league with the UN. Basically fixing it so creamy yummies won't give ya cancer diabetes or bad vibes. Figuring out how to make all the world's yummy stuff safe to eat...without killing the damned flavor! We went to the frigging Moon sent two Voyagers to the stars, and have bleeping robots fucking around on Mars...I think we could do this too.
All this, and tons more in the first year or so...I mean besides building the "Woodstock Stonewall Monument", and all the usual crap of running an empire.

"Yes Uncle, but how we gonna pay for all this neat bleep?"

We're still the richest fucking country in all bleeping history. It's just in the last forty years the rich quietly took it all for themselves! This can be fixed. Just ask Robespierre, Stalin, and Walt Disney.

Next issue.

My Birthday is creeping up again. 

The damned things just won't stop no matter what I do! Anyway I wanna a damned cake, and will wander out to get one if it bleeping kills me.
Eating it my docs say probably will,...Bleep'em. It's 'my' birthday.
Above is a feasibility study on a scientifically safe cake. Um,...still might need a few more candles.

Monday, June 24, 2019

"Time, and Again"

I mentioned the danger of being a Black Time Traveler. Especially in North America between roughly 1500~AD, and 2300~CE.
However there were relative safe spots. I set my dark matter pocket watch, and shifted to "June 24th 1967 2:28 pm, Central Park."

To any watching I would seem to have just walked from under the shade of a tree. The experience is like passing through a warm mist. The unit makes your entry as unremarkable as possible.

I wander the park, and observe an actual Hippie Be-in. Of a kind I remember taking part in as a lad. Though now with the experience of 50+ years I see with very different eyes. 

I was at first moved. 

Their hope affection trust. All of which will be co-opted, and betrayed. I realized many of these youths will go on to become the selfish "Me Generation", and later as elders,...hostile xenophobic Trump voters.

I left with somber feelings.

My next stop Wyoming 26,000~BCE.
I was always interested in that culture. Them folks were still somewhat fresh from Pan-Asia so may never have heard any Country & Western Music or had much experience with cops or income tax..

"G-d is going to send this whole country to Hell"

In American Concentration Camps we show little kids cartoons.
 We give them foil to sleep in too. So see they ain't so bad.
Well some are dying they get molested go unwashed, and such. 
Also we seem to have lost track of hundreds of them. 
However as Fox News always sez,...
"It's their own fault for trying to come here."

"Yet More Rain"


The Longest Day the First Day of Summer.

Sunday, June 16, 2019

"Days go By"

Just sitting reading working on little things editing stuff watching the changing weather. Strange dreams of late. I can't remember them, but I get the flavor. There's an oddness to them, our times.

Warm summer air. I'm by my window. That mix of urban, and rural scents that Summer brings. Also as today the scent of the beach. All just a few miles away. I have a calmness for the moment.

I wish to stay so.

"Angelica Eternal"

The realms of "Angelica" sings to me. Give me hope. They have for all of my life from earliest childhood to now in early old age.

Demons too remain still active in their destructiveness. Why they do this why they would bother I have no idea. However they persist. As does the realms of kindness. That's what I mainly feel when they're near "...Kindness".

With Demons it's primal anger rage fear madness.

I can most certainly see now how souls are lost to what could be called the "Dark Side" it is astoundingly seductive.

...And draining.

One is exhausted quickly this because you are being deliberately emptied of all you are. thanks.

I'll take the never there when you need them "Angelica". If nothing else it's just nicer. 

I interpret all this in the Angels, and fairies I've been drawing publishing, and now posting for over 40 years. From what I've felt the Angels don't seem to mind my depicting them as Queer boys with wings.

That's just as I feel them.