Sunday, July 14, 2019

"Lights Out"

I apparently slept through the latest historic NYC Black out. A feeder line blew because of the extremes of heat.
This is our fourth major non-WW2 Blackout. I lived through the first three. The worst 42 years ago in 1977
That one caused massive riots. large parts of the city were set on fire by enraged bleeped over people. 

Poverty extreme heat violent corrupt cops. Google the Knapp Hearings. 
This plus lots, and lots of poor people,...yeah shit could, and did happen. Remember this was the era the City was bankrupt, and the Bronx was burning.

In I think 2003 there was another. Totally peaceful like the first in the fall in 1965.  This one was somewhat smaller,...only Manhattan. Again peaceful or as peaceful as one can be on a subway stalled in a tunnel with the temps at 115f~46c.

Things are starting to stabilize now. Power is mostly back on. Though some dark spots still. Subways our primal arterial pathways are coming back. Bleep the buses. Note if you're coming here walking or cabs are preferable to the bus,...if the ever come.

Otherwise things are just peachy in town.

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