Sunday, June 24, 2018

"Road Show"

A post or two further down I mentioned I'm working on a story about being a Black Time Traveler,...being of Color one must be profoundly careful if visiting North America between roughly 1600~AD, and 2300~CE.
However there are relative safe spots. If I had the means I would go. I'd quietly visit places, and times long past. As I say carefully choosing when where, and other considerations.
"June 16th 1967 2:28 pm, Central Park."
...other than the cops relatively safe.
I Shift.
My Wormhole unit phases me into the scene. To any watching I would seem to have just wandered from under the shade of a tree. The unit makes your entry as unremarkable as possible.
"A Be-in"
I visit, and observe an actual Hippie Be-in. Which as a very young lad I did experience. Though now with 50+ more years of life I may see with very different eyes.
My next stop Wyoming 36,000~BC.
I was always interested in that culture. Them folks were still somewhat fresh from Pan-Asia.

So may never have heard any Country & Western Music.

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