Monday, August 5, 2019

"...a nice way"

So I wake up today to another mass shooting in our republic. This time at a "Garlic Festival". There might be a surreal joke in there if the body count weren't so sad. Seems the shooter was insane, and heavily armed. He clipped his way through a security fence hissing, and cursing as he went. Witnesses said he was consumed with rage.

Rage over what?

Does it matter? There's all sort of fantasies lies, and conspiracies out there that could have sparked this. Like the one which said that Hillary was running a child slave sex business out of a pizza shop in D.C. Millions believed, and still believe this. One believed so much that he went there, and shot the place up.

This to free the kiddies chained up in the basement. Imagine his disappointment when he found the building had no basement. Btw there was a mass shooting in Brooklyn not far from me a few days ago. Made the international news.

It's summer it's very very hot people are generally nuts these days, and they seem to have military grade artillery handy. Yeah shit's going to happen. Anyone with a few AK-47's hanging around might do something final.

Don't misunderstand. I'm not arguing for any kind of gun control. Just the opposite. I say give all of us all the hardware we could want, and tons of ammo as well. Let's stop fucking around with raging tweets, and comments, and get this show on the road.

"America Gotterdammerung"

It just has such a nice sound to it. Let's just settle all those scores tie those loose ends, and pay those bills that history is calling us on. ...but in a nice way.

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