Thursday, August 22, 2019

"Queer Thoughts"

Whitman, and others go on sometimes about the "Brotherly Love of Comrades". They put it in various ways, but these fags was on about the same thing. Beng Queer is better for the health of the planet.   

Less Wars less Kids.
The planet is already in balance. This would just help the human part get with the program. Sure nothing's perfect evolution is always fucking up, but this is still a generally good idea.

So tax breaks, and assorted gifts, and prizes for being Queer or at least not compulsively child producing.  Mind you Queer won't be an oppressive law or shit. Just be reasonable for craps sakes. 
Also special mentions gifts, and beach front property for all the Dionysian's out there.

As for Peter Pan.

Putting aside the original plot, and looking at the idea.
A magical flying boy. Like from a species of such with all the implications this has for humanity.
Their culture seems Anarcho based, but murderous violent at least on the individual level. Duels vendetta's, and such. Otherwise they seem more like Dolphins than Humans.
They prefer play to work.

We  share the same evolutionary branch. 

Odds are there are all manner of folks hanging from branches on our part of the tree. They stay out of our sight,...with good reason.
Anyway Peter a rather long lived 14 year old,...his species likely live up to 2000. Sort of like we used to do. Check the old testament the Torah or any other ancient text still hanging around.

He likes saving children. I read a Dark Horse comix book title back in the 90's about this. Peter saved kids from ethnic slaughters over the ages. This around the world. Natives from the Conquistadors Christian kids from the Romans Jews from the Nazis.

It's what he does.

As for me I'm Queer.
A look at my art up there tells the whole story.

Though I'm generally nuts opinionated, and sometimes a danger to myself. I'm sweet,...mostly. Queers some of us love,...Love. We made really good hippies. A woman pal centuries ago said to me, "...Sidney you're in love with love, careful". 

I didn't listen.

More Queer thought as they occur to me.
I'm an elder Queer these day so tire easily I'm going to
lay down for a bit.

Stay Tuned.

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