Tuesday, August 13, 2019


I was reading a chat on a science fiction page about what would happen if an Alien ship actually crashed on Earth Think Roswell, but real. It was refreshing that a few protested that most assumed it would crash here in the USA. Here, and not say Lesotho Tunisia or Bangladesh.

I mentioned the film "Brother from Another Planet". In which the Alien is Black or seems so. I postulated if the Alien ship "crashes" in the US. As opposed to Botswana Belize or Turkmenistan. I'd like to see it come to rest in some less expected place here. 

Not the white house lawn or some such center of power. Rather a Native American reservation. An Amish farm. A economically depressed former Coal Town. One of the neglected Inner Cities. As for it "coming to rest". It would not crash in the usual science fiction movie sense. As with wreckage splayed over miles when A Jumbo jet hits. Rather given their tech it literally does just that. 

It comes to rest. 

It's main power systems may be failing but their safety apparatus is fine. Millions hear a series of sonic booms as it streaks over Indiana Ohio, and Pennsylvania. It slows steadies, and comes to a peaceful stop over a ball field in a Brownville Brooklyn local park. It hovers six meters above second base. Then slowly settles on the grass.

Btw a game was in progress. 

First Contact is made with the surviving alien crew by six 11, and 12 year old black middle school kids. ...and their coach. They become the human liaison with the rest of the living star ship crew. This as the Aliens take them as representatives for the Human species. 
Attempts to push them aside, and install "official" political, and military reps are rebuffed. 
These youngsters, and their Junior year Brooklyn College Irish coach will speak for the Earth. 
They will be our bridge between the stars.

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