Tuesday, August 13, 2019


Despite the recent, and ongoing mayhem, and madness wrought by humanity. I noticed that though yes today in the NYC region it's a typical warm summer though cloudy day. Yesterday I noted it was ever so slightly cooler. There was a subtle ripple in the waves of the seasons. You know how in late winter you get a hint of spring. Yesterday I sensed felt the season once more thinking about changing. No serious change yet but it's thinking about it.
The wind was warm, but it had a slight tickle of coolness about it. The nights have the same very subtle touch. Summer this year was brutal though now in recent days it's calming.
Summer at least locally is looking at it's bags, and thinking about going. No idea what fall will bring, but clearly the hot season is packing for the trip, and already booked passage.
Back to school supply sales are a sure sign.
How the sun, and moon do chase each other through the seasons.

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