Saturday, September 14, 2019


I'm starting to be like the President. I just lost three days. I was either abducted again or slept through shit. Speaking of that demented imbecile.

I note he had his own ideas about the recent giant storm. The one generated by Planetary Climatic Changes,...which he doesn't believe is happening. Anyway he got it wrong. So he just changed the map with a sharpie. End of story.

However every meteorologist on earth freaked out. He was wrong about the path of the thing. However being disturbed insane, and a dummy. He just couldn't let it go. 

So a whole week of the President of the United States of America. Clearly wrong about a minor path change in a storm. Refusing to admit the mistake, and hysterically attacking everyone in sight as disloyal or liberal.

Yes this is happening.

Also this is how I likely lost them three days. The painting above is to commemorate the event. His supporters won't get the joke. They'll buy up these posters, and put them in their windows.

His base always supports his madness. They like it when he does this demented shit,'s why they elected him.
TV interviews show them saying crap like. "...the lawd is guiding him he has to be right." 

With luck with all this insanity around I'll lose more days. 

As many as possible.

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