Sunday, September 8, 2019

"History Lesson"

What we are in how it started where it will end. The Cliff Notes edition for 24th century middle school students,...
"The 17th through 23rd centuries ethnic conflicts. That is the economic military, and cultural engagements now called the "600 Years War". This time of hardships was only just beginning to be settled within the life time of those born in the mid 20th century.
It took a further two hundred years to evolve into our modern era. For those students wanting finer details you are referred to "The Great Race Wars 1609~2250 CE" New Hong Kong Press, 2345. Additional studies from "The Post Scarcity Revolt" Brooklyn Archipelago University Press, 2378."
Deleted scene.
From the trans-temporal 'zine rack I especially like the 2216 May edition of the New Yorker. Their article on how a Bugs Bunny Cartoon transmitted on a 1956 TV show became the first message received by Aliens. 
That, and how they thought it was an accurate depiction of our culture. The Squid folks were confused.
This led to complications.

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