Sunday, September 1, 2019

"Imperial Missive"

Another missive from the King Empress of Earth, and the Outer Colonies.
"...Ahem, ...The response to the Floatercycle was so good that I've directed the "Ministry of Neat Shit" to make more stuff."
So besides the birthday gift to all my subjects of the Fusion powered Ramjet "Floatercycle". We've added a replicate 1966 Citroen Hover Car with of course variable force field safety features,...again you're welcome.
Unlike previous forms of rule that just robbed or killed you. The new Order mostly stays out of your hair. We just keep the roads in repair the Bullet Trains running, and basically all the neat Welfare State stuff humming along. I mean what else is government for.
Anyway enjoy the Hover Citroen", and we're working on making baseball actually interesting. This is proving much harder than we thought. Still be patient. 

Also we've put the Kibosh on "Teleportation" for now. A universe of unforeseeable consequences there.  We're working on it.

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