Saturday, September 14, 2019

"..up to 200 mph"

Speaking of a head of state that can change the weather with a few jots of a Sharpie. I'm amazed tho' should not be that everyone has already forgot one of the strongest Hurricanes in that last century. 

News cycles are moving on, and there's new celeb scandals.

The damned thing had sustained winds close to 200 mph/321 kph, hear that. hello?

It flew as fast as WW2 fighter planes through peoples homes schools, and businesses. I'm thinking what 180~200 mph or 321 kph would do to my Brooklyn 'hood. What would it do to where you're sitting now?

Many islands were scraped clean.

This like parts of NYC during Sandy or most of New Orleans during Katina. We were slightly lucky this time. The storm stalled for days over the islands. These folks took the hit for us.

This time.

It could have been Miami that was wiped off the map. Then maybe a few might pay attention to the new Climate Era we are most certainly in.  As always there's the human,...mostly bored American eat pizza play computer games mentality,... 

"If it ain't happening to me it ain't happening."

Okay,...wait, just wait it will come it will happen.

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