Sunday, September 1, 2019

"...then leaves"

This just in. Staten Island is listed as the 14th most desired vacation spot on earth. Well something like that. Some new tour site listed S.I. as some place to go. It didn't mention many details. However the Staten Island Ferry goes there,...then leaves. 

It voted for Trump. The only part of the City that did. Also it tried to secede from NYC when we elected our first Black Mayor. In the 1950's/60's when blacks tried to move in their houses were burned down. 
Other than all that, and the mosquitos I'm sure it's swell. 

In fact I've an old radio pal that lived there,...then moved. He moved to South Carolina where it's safe for Coloreds. Above the Staten Island end of the Verrazano Bridge. 
The other end is in the United States.

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