Sunday, September 8, 2019


Yesterday evening I noticed by my kitchen thermometer it was 56f degrees. I then checked, was 59f in Manhattan across the bridge. It will be even cooler towards Queens, and the Island. Upstate mountain frost would not surprise me.

Fall is waking.

Above when I declared that this was "The Summer of Roses". Because in early June the region had a profusion of roses everywhere. 
A few times a decade this happens. It was even remarked on during the Colonial era. It was wonderful. Then as now.

Sadly this round of blooms were soon burned away by what they now say was the hottest summer ever recorded. Well every summer is that now, but still.

"The sun, and moon have chased each other across the heavens to a new season" ...this from a story I wrote 20 years ago.


Okay I'm game. Let's see where this goes. I cherish everything now.

Stay tuned.

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