Monday, November 4, 2019

"...faerie dust"

Some now suspect that certain "Faerie Tales" may be based on stories 5000+ years old. As "Ring Around the Rosy" is traced to near 800 years ago during the Black Death.

Some version of Superman, and the mix of industrial era popular heroes may survive into the 40th century. How could they not. Invincible saviors.

In the West history is generally taught as the rise, and fall of cultures. In school we learned of them as separate civilizations with little or no connections.  Some suggest a more wholistic view of the human story.

Starting during the last Ice Age there began one continuous human culture. Different varieties within it the rose evolved faded. Adding their stories to the ongoing enterprise. The current space faring post industrial digital information era is directly connected to the Bronze Age, and back, and back, and back. Perhaps to them folks figuring what flint can do.

One learning one remembering from the Ice to now.

20,000+ years, and still in business.

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