I’ve been chatting with others on a history page about John Adams. Our second President. The Alien, and Seditions Act guy. Very complicated man. A man of is times in the worse sense, and the future in the best.
Exactly the sort of brilliant contradictory character you’d want around if you’re starting a Democracy. He wrote later that he feared he’d only be remembered for his worse mistake. That “Act”.
He was right. In many ways his worse self speaks to these times of national suspicions, and xenophobia.
As for me as in all traumatic times. I’m doing my laundry.
…‘all’ of it. 
I find doing more than the usual House Frau stuff during a civil war helps the soul. Renewal in the face of darkness.
Being clean, and well dressed in the face of the enemy.
Calling my fellow citizens “enemy” brings me such sorrow. However it’s come to that. This is who we are.
It may well mark the beginning of the end of the American Experiment.
Actually the founding of the “Security State” in 1945 will likely be where historians will mark the ending.
I’ll wait for the movie to see.