Tuesday, November 19, 2019

"Let Folks Be"

I was chatting with a FB comrade about Trannie folks. I've known Trans Souls throughout my life starting in fifth grade. That had to be in 1961 when I was 11. My playmate Joey across the street was so blessed. He suffered his whole life. His family except for his older sister was cruel to him. My mom protected him as much as she could given the customs then. He was over at our house often.
He so loved the electric train layout my dad built in our basement. I remember a few times when we were kids. He took his secret makeup kit, and made me up. My mom said when she found us it was alright, "...but only in the house."
I remember the kids on the block were for the times unusually cool. I mean he was just Joey. His family remained unkind. In 1979 in his late 20's Joey took his life. He could suffer no more.
In my late teens twenties Queer life I met more "Two Soul" folks as I wandered about. Two Souls the Native Peoples call them,...makes sense to me. In time a journalist friend with the radio station where I worked made the transition. Them things the operations is complicated, and painful. She's now a profoundly proud trans-Musician.
It's simple, "...Let folks be."
(..Above Representative Wexton of Virginia placed the Trans Flag outside of her office. This in response to increased federal persecution of some of her constituents.)

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