Monday, November 4, 2019

"...Five cents"

Things being what they are in 2019. I needed to get the fuck out of Dodge for a few minutes. Above I time portaled this morning to West 38th Street Manhattan October 9th 1953 1:43pm.
I was dressed in my 2018 jeans Nikes NASA sweat-shirt, and Vietnam veteran's cap. I wear it for my brother.

No one noticed. I love NY.

What strikes one are the smells. Unfiltered exhausts smog soot from light industry which was all over the city then. Also a background radiation of cigarette smoke. In them technicolor days everyone over the age of 15 smoked like chimney.

It made me light headed.

I weaved into the street taking the snap above. 'Was almost hit by a '53 Hudson delivery van. The guy yelled assorted ethnic slurs, and traffic rules at me. I would have taken his portrait, but didn't want to start a race riot.

I stumbled along a side street time shifted ahead two months, and came to this news stand.  I asked if the guy had "Fantastic Four" No.1,....he never heard of it. Seems I was about a decade early. Anyway I got a Hershey bar which is twice the size as ours, and costs 5.cents! 

That, and a copy of the December 1953 New Yorker which I'll sell on eBay, and I was on my happy way. Btw common 21st century home printers are swell currency duplicators of ancient currency. The down stream yokels are impressed.

I went behind a phone booth,...yeah these were all over the place. 
I then warped temporal shifted phased or whatever back to the glorious freedom loving demented, and expensive future.

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