Tuesday, November 19, 2019

"Natasha is 100 Today",...speaking of Elders. 

Natasha of "Rocky, and Bullwinkle" fame was born Natasha Anastasiya Lysenko in 1919. She was the niece of Trofim Lysenko. Yeah 'that' Lysenko,...Stalinist maniac. Google him.
Natasha spent her early years growing up at the Lenin Grand Peoples Tractor Factory of Omsk. The small bits, and odd pieces section. Later went on to the School of Socialist Potatoes.

This started by her fucking commie crazed uncle.

During the Great Patriotic War with the Hitlerite's she fought at Stalingrad. With her tractor experience she built tanks with her bare hands. Later as a tank commander she had a confirmed kill rate of 28 Nazi Panzers including five King Tigers. 
She had a saying, "...a fool, and a bullet will always meet."

This was not a gal to be trifled with.

In recognition of her Red Banner loyalty skills at poker, and covert assassinations. She was trained as a deep insertion spy, and sent to Canada. There she met her lifelong associate, and personal fixer Boris Badenov. His bio coming.

While in Canada they met, and began a life long contest of wits skills, and thrown pies with the MI-6/CIA associates Rocky, and Bullwinkle. They battle on in a friendly enemy sort of way to this very day.

As is now known. Fictitious characters, and certain dolls are Immortal.
Wow ain't that something!

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