Sunday, August 13, 2017

"Agents of Shield"

Above is a photo of one of the "Queer Anarchist Shields" found on the field of Battle in Charlottesville. As I said I so wish I were there. This to face off with our historical enemies the Klan, and Nazis.


It turns out we will 'not' go quietly into the Camps. Which happened before, and now again in Chechnya. Whatever happens we'll give them something to remember us by.


Anonymous said...

I liked the Queer Anarchists' Roman-style battle formation. However I noticed their shields were a bit short, leaving their upper legs exposed. They need to be longer. Also Kevlar wouldn't be a bad idea. It's an awkward fact that Trump supporters tend to belong to that segment of the population who are gun enthusiasts.


uncle1950uncle said...

We're learning.

Not being bullies, and violent thugs we're not used to battle gear. We improvised where as the Klan, and Nazis were well kitted out, and ready. However as after the first battle at "Bullrun" during the last civil war we're learning by experience.

In that one they learned 'not' to do a Napoleonic slow march into massed cannon,...seriously bad for morale. This time we learned that longer shields longer pikes body armor are on the menu. Also better helmets...special forces issue like the Nazis use...though a different color. it's the "Bullrun" effect again.

It was so early in the first civil war that both armies wore mostly blue. Bit of confusion there. The battle turned when Union forces thought their re-enforcements had finally come when it fact it was Confederate, in pre-war blue, re-enforcements. The Union mistakenly opened their ranks for them, and the rebels poured through.

This caused a rout of the federal forces, and a dramatic loss of the battle. Seriously poor officer leadership didn't help.

So if this is a war of demos the good guys need some speedy training, and better battlefield kit. Hopefully it will mostly be as re-enactor style battles with yelling, and broken noses. If it comes to armed conflict game over this country is done.