Monday, August 14, 2017


Oh the ironies of our shared history. Here a Black State Trooper "protecting" Klan, and Nazis. This as the chant hatred to Blacks Jews Queers, and the other usual suspects. They have their rights as all American do.

Even the right to wish mass death to everyone except themselves. Another irony of a free society,...while it lasts. Still protected they must be. So long as they don't overtly act on their wishes.

I still shudder from "Orlando". Anyone remember that. It was a thousand news cycles ago. Which is to say last year. 100 Queers were machine gunned down at one time in one place. More than half killed the rest maimed. We forget even such things so quickly.

The national memory used to be about five years. Now it's less than 18 months...much less. I'm at a near loss. What to say that hasn't been said to our already convinced leftwing echo chamber choir.

I'm 67 years old. ...a mere breath from 70.

Even saying these words makes me tired. I am tired. So very tired.

Good luck to you all.


Anonymous said...

15 years ago Sandy Hook was in the news for weeks. How much airplay would it get now?

Love the photo.


uncle1950uncle said...

Is it that long already. Well as I say Americans have no memory whatever. I guess if I told some kids "Sandy" was 80 years ago they'd believe me. If I brought up "Orlando" to some folks at random out there I'd get blank stares.

If I said 100 Queers got shot they'd likely say "Good!"

Anonymous said...

Sorry, no, only five years ago; I just checked. I still think it would get considerably less attention now; people are inured to killings, they're happening all the time. A woman suffocates a young girl in a plastic hamper for eating a popsicle; another young girl attacks and disfigures her guest with boiling water - these incidents are now commonplace, a daily occurrence. Orlando rolled off the news cycle pretty fast. Charlottesville is probably getting so much attention because of the symbolically charged swastikas and the Klan. Next week it'll be on to some other appalling farrago.


Anonymous said...

"The Bible tells us to be like God, and then on page after page it describes God as a mass murderer.
This may be the single most important key to the political behavior of Western Civilization." -Robert Anton Wilson

uncle1950uncle said...

I still have this awful headache.